Tuesday 29 July 2014

Blog 1 Term 3 Run Lola Run

This is the Film "Run Lola Run" by Tom Tykver made in 1998 that a group of students watched, including myself. Watching this i believe it to be in the genre Crime Fiction, Science Fiction, Thriller, Drama and Action Film. It had a lot of fast paced moments but some times slowed down by doing that i thought it lost most of its suspense but it did have great angles and by showing the backgrounds of each and every side character that she ran past made it more interesting. Well the basic storyline was that " Every second of every day, you make a choice that could change your life". The whole movie is about how you can do one thing too early or too late that could change everything just in a couple of seconds, changing the outcome of every ending but the first ending was better maybe because i thought that it was more realstic and it showed that the character Lola did not mind going to jail being with the person she loved but she tragically died.

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